Young Stars


Two Events

IGP Youngstars Camp AND Helper-Camp

July 19 and 20, 2025

Gaimersheim, near Ingolstadt

IGP Youngstars (< 25)

Under 25 and enthusiastic about dog sports? Whether you're a beginner or a professional - in the camp you can experience obedience, protection work and tracking up close! Regardless of breed or club, international and with around 350 young dog sports enthusiasts. With or without a dog: be there and experience a unique event!

Helper Camp: ALL AGES

Beginner or professional - in the camp you will learn from top helpers such as Vincenzo Magnati, Luca Sträßer, Jörg Schwabe and Hari Arcon. They will coach you in test chasing, young dog training, leash work and more. Mentors for young stars and the ladies who dare are ready! We are giving the limited places to those who are already active with a team and also want to be part of the sports community themselves!! #HelpersareHeroes

Allstar Team

Von Mia Skogster, Jogi Zank, Luca Sträßer bis hin zu Knut Fuchs. Die Diensthundeschule der Bundeswehr, Diensthundeführer der Polizei, Tierärzte, Physiotherapeuten, Leistungsrichter und Vertreter der Verbände. Unter der Schirmherrschaft der Politik kommen alle für EUCH, den Sport und den Gebrauchshund zusammen. It's more than a Passion!

first-hand knowledge

At our information stands, physiotherapists, veterinarians, judges and experts will advise you on important topics: warm-up, injury prevention, puppy training and more. Find out which breed suits you or how to become a service dog handler - get valuable tips for you and your dog!

working dogs in action

Experience first-hand how the police and the German army use their working dogs in action! Whether they are sniffer dogs, attack dogs or rescue dogs: all of these working dogs deliver - and we love working with them.

Free participation

Participation is completely free - although it is probably the most valuable event in our community! It is supported by our community: K9andSports, the associations from SV to ADRK, our great partners from Sprenger to Frabo.

What is IGP?

The name IGP or Schutzhund might be confusing (IGP, previously IPO or Schutzhund ) - but behind it is a dog sport that you and your dog might just love. IGP is made up of three very different areas; imagine a triathlon for you and your dog. You will work and compete together in tracking, obedience and protection. In short, your dog gets to do everything a certain type of working dog is bred for. IGP trials are named since January 1st 2019 as International Utility Dogs Regulations (IGP) of the official Fédérdation Cynologique Internationale . Come and try IGP dogsport . You and your dog will love it.

A: Tracking

In Tracking, you will work with your dog's ability to smell and search. Your dog will track footsteps over mixed terrain and find so called articles (little pieces of certain materials) that are laid out on the track. Tracking is all about a calm, intense search (hard to imagine with some of our hyper dogs) and one of the greatest hobbies a dog has: nose work.

B: Obedience

In Obedience, you and your dog work together in most any way you can think of. Some compare it to dressage as you know it from heeling. You will practice "heeling", the commands "sit", "down" and "stand", the dog will learn to retrieve something (its called a dumbbell) for you and even jump over a hurdle while bringing it back. Obedience has many elements but there is one common goal: that your dog works freely and happily with you.

C: Protection

When people watch Protection for the first time, there are usually two very different reactions. Either they don't like to see a dog who is biting. Or they are fascinated by the strength and speed of the dogs. Imagine a game, where you and your dog are hunting down a "bad guy". Where your dog protects you from someone who attacks you. It is important to understand that the dog must never bite the "bad guy" (we call him the "helper"), unless the bad guy actually attacks. Now imagine that your dog stops immediately when you tell him to stop. This area is about controlled protection, it is about confident dogs who show their skills in what they are bred for: helping society keep safe. Once you know the rules, Protection is not violent. It is teamwork between you and your dog.
