
Jogi Zank (SV)

SV German Champion, WUSV Vice World Champion, SV LGA Winner

Dogsport is Team Sport. Jogi uses the same slogan that we use. One reason that we invited him to our camp. But of course more importantly, Jogi is one of the most renowned and successful trainers and dog handlers in the SV (and world). Jogi has been doing a lot for youth in dogsport and we are thrilled to have him. We hope you are too :-)!

Peter Scherk (DMC)

3 times world champion, 2 x German Champion German Malinois Club

Dogsport has been his passion for many decades. At the age of 14 he got his first dog - a boxer male "Dino" and since then he has dedicated himself to IGP dogsport and runs it at the highest level, both as an active dog handler and as a trainer (of different breeds).

A heart of his philosophy is to combine the exercise itself with many positive emotions and thus develop a passion for learning and the task itself in the dog. This certainly shaped the Heuwinkl team.

Connie Scherk (DMC)

German Vice-Champion DMC, 3rd place VDH Championship


She is happy to pass on her many years of experience and above all her enthusiasm for the IPG sport to others!

Stephanie Ollmann (DMC)

FMBB World Champion, Vice Champion DMC

Hard to imagine that Steffi got through her first BH with a neighbor's Golden Retriever. At the young age of 14. Following such an early start, she soon was successful with various breeds, Hovawart, GSD and Malinois, both in Obedience and IGP, including World Champion FMBB. Steffi teaches classes and gives seminars in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. 

Tobias Wunderlich (SV)

SV LGA-Champion, 2x SV Youth Champion, official SV Helper, Participant BSP

Tobias started IGP and working as a helper himself in his teenage years and is an official SV helper today. He is passionate about both IGP and show sport as well as successful in both (you might want to look him up with his dog Grosso).  

Nathalie Prachensky (SV)

Various World Champion titles BSZS

Nathalie was surrounded by GSDs since her childhood and has been active in IGP and show sport ever since. Her passion is to train and show GSDs and she even titled the World Winner at the Bundessiegerzuchtschau.

She is your go-to person for any show related questions!

Dennis Bernsee (PSK)

3x ISPU-World Champion, 3x PSK German Champion

Dennis is your guy if you have, like or are interested in Great Schnauzers. German Champion and World Champion Giant Schnauzers: Dennis managed to get those titles more than once!

Jörg Schwabe (ADRK / DMC)

German Champion ADRK, helper at many German Championships as well as the FMBB and ADRK World Championship

Jörg has been active as handler and helper since the young age of 14 years. His favorite memories as a helper are: the finals of the FMBB World Championship 2017 in Halle, the VDH German Championship 2019 and the DMC Championships. He will be an important part of our helper camp where you can learn from the best or simply try out if being a helper is for you. No worries: we will take it slow if it's your first time :)

Handler Successes: German Champion ADRK DM 2014, VDH German Championships and IFR World Championship

Jörg remembers his first years in dogsport and is here to show you that it's more than just worth while to be part of this world.

Mareike Loges (BK)

German Youth and Junior Champion, several participations at German and World Championships

Almost as long as she can remember, Mareike is in dogsports and (!) breeding. She participated several times in the German Youth & Junior Championships with her Boxers, as well as the DM IGP and World Championships of the Boxer Club. And .. she's an active judge.

Mareike is the Boxer Club's youth representative ever since 2014 with the goal to pass on her passion for both dogsports and breeding.

Martin Lanzinger (SV)

German Junior Champion SV, Bavarian Junior Champion SV, Official SV Helper

Almost his entire life, he's 28 now, he has been a member of the SV. At 15, he got his first own dog placing Bavarian and German Youth Champion SV. For 13 years now he has been active as a helper. He will be there to show you how versatile and exciting this teamsport is and he'll be one of the guys we recruited for our helper camp.

Andreas Kreis (DMC)

Official DMC Helper (including at the DMC Championat)

From 2014-2018, Andreas was an official SV Helper. Ever since 2016, he is part of the helper pool of the German Malinois Club. He was substitute helper at the FMBB World Championships 2017 in Halle and helper at the DMC Championship 2021. Andreas will be part of our helper camp.

Andreas agreed to join and is looking forward to our camp because he wants to give back to younger handlers and helpers what he received in terms of education.

Bernd Föry (DMC & swhv)

German Champion DHV, Helper German Championat DHV, Tracking Expert

Bei Bernd schlägt “jeder” irgendwann mal auf, wenn es auf der Fährte nicht recht klappen will.  Dabei fand Bernd, der schon seit 40 Jahren Hundesport betreibt, das Fährten selber erst spannend als er gemerkt hat, “was ein Hund so alles mit der Nase riechen kann”. Bernd nimmt Euch zusammen mit Erwin Rinner in kleinen Gruppen mit auf die Fährte und kann Euch alle Fragen im Zusammenhang mit Sucharbeit beantworten. 

Erwin Rinner (SV Italien & swhv)

Tracking Expert

Erwin has been active in dog sports for 20 years - mainly in Switzerland and South Tyrol. Several times he and his German Shepherds trialed in Italian and German championships. Together with Bernd, he will get you and your dog through that track: successfully. 

Robert Kraus (DV)

Helper DV World Championship, various German and Bavarian Championships

Robert is an official helper in the DV and on the field at many big competitions, including the World Championship 2009 in Apolda. He has successfully worked with Dobermans and is currently training his Malinois Cuba. Robert is here to show you why you should consider becoming a helper: before all, because it is fun!

Michael Baus (DV)

Winner DV Landesausscheidung, Helper DV BSP

Michael teaches helpers in the DV and was helper at various Championships, including the Dobermann World Championship 2009 in Apolda. Michael is known for his work at the breed selections of the DV (Körungen) and can certainly tell you a lot about what it takes.

Steffen Herrmann (RZV)

Official RZV Helper, Helper on RZV German Championship

Steffen Herrmann has been actively involved in dog sports since he was 15 years old. He is active in the RZV Hovawarts as a trial helper and handler. He competed in several championships and was a helper in two world championships.

Er findet das Jugendcamp als ganz tolle Idee und hofft, dass er Jugendliche für den Hundesport gewinnen und fördern kann.

László Németh (Hungary)

5x ungarischer Meister, FCI IGP WM Trize-Mannschaftweltmeister

Seit 2011 arbeite ich nach der genialen Heuwinkel-Trainingsmethode.

Erfolge als Trainer:
Einige Paare bis zur WM u viele Paare in versch. IGP Prüfungsstufen

Ich finde die Idee für dieses Camp absolut genial denn so erhalten junge Nachwuchssportler die Chance diese fundierte, moderne und durchdachte Ausbildung und Methode am Anfang ihrer sportl Laufbahn kennen zu lernen.


Petra Reichmann

Petra Reichmann

2 x ISPU Weltmeister, 2. und 3. Platz VDH Deutsche Meisterschaft, 5. Platz FCI WM

Petra betreibt seit Ihrem 19. Lebensjahr IGP Hundesport mit Riesenschnauzern. Im Verein ist sie Übungsleiter und fördert die Teams bis zu Deutschen Meisterschaften. 

Sie findet das Camp eine super Idee und freut sich Euch die Sparte Fährte näher zu bringen. 

Florian Knabl IGP Camp

Florian Knabl (DMC)

2x FMBB Weltmeister, DMC Champion, Helper at the FMBB World Championship and DMC Championat, Helfer auf FMBB WM, DMC Championat, breed survey master and helper at DMC breed surveys

It was his brother, who brought home a GSD for Florian when he was 13 and soon after he joined a club. Up until today he loves to teach dogs as handler and helper. 

For him, it's teamwork in harmony that teaches both the dog and the handler a lot. Florian would love to come out of this camp knowing that a few of you found a new interest in dog sports.
